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It's Here! The subscription you've all been waiting for!

Biweekly bouquets to fill your counters and tables with fresh bouquets biweekly! This subscription comes with 6 bouquets spanning over 12 weeks! This is perfect for the person who wants the fresh flowers but isn’t ready to commit to weekly! We plan to start the first week of July, but please be sure to include that email because whenever mother nature sees fit for some amazing blooms well start!

Above are a few of what last years bouquets looked like! These are a large paper sleeve bouquet wrapped with our stamp tied with twine and ready for you to find a home or for you to open up and enjoy yourselves!

The flowers will be a mixed assortment of what is in season and bloomings! Flowers will change monthly and even weekly! Half then is seeing what is in bloom!

This is the perfect gift for yourself, that hard to buy for person, bestie, momma or anything in between! IF Its a gift please include their email so we can be sure to connect with them as the season is closer with all the information on pickup and be able to get them their extra special gift!

Biweekly Summer Flower Subscriptions (Full season biweekly)



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